
Hey there!

Hi, I’m Michele. I am trying to be more than just an awesome, really funny, organized stay at home mom who paints shells and crochets winter beanies. Setting out to rediscover myself through blogging and hobbying and trying not drink cosmos or wine until Thursdays…. Thanks for visiting! xo.

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From the blog

  • I am the Flow.
  • love of my life.
    I am so good at not caring, maybe a bit too good. my whole life, shitty boyfriends, guys who don’t deserve my time, or my perfected perfect blow job. I have become accustomed to turning a cold shoulder and having the “whatever” mentality. I actually wasn’t even sure I believed in love, at all. IContinue reading “love of my life.”
  • just breathe.
  • Real or Fake
    When I was a kid if you would’ve told me I would ever have a fake tree as an adult, I would’ve wrinkled my nose, squinted my big blue eyes, and stomped my foot and yelled, “Blasphemy!” My family loved Christmas. We were so traditional in every aspect. We would all load into the miniContinue reading “Real or Fake”
  • Apple Picker.
    So I was chatting with a friend and they mentioned someone they knew was going Apple Picking this weekend. I still think this is the dumbest fucking waste of time. Do not get me wrong, I love being outside and nature type things. Well besides bugs that jump/fly. Jump flying is awful, it’s like aContinue reading “Apple Picker.”
  • Absence. (This is deep)
    I woke up this morning and the air was crisp and cool. The leaves were spread out under all our tall trees like a beautiful blanket just waiting for visitors. It was beautiful but I still felt sad a little. The sun was out but she wasn’t as strong as she used to be inContinue reading “Absence. (This is deep)”

Posting boring “mom stuff” daily!

About Me

Once upon a time I worked in the fashion industry and led a life of super hip clothes not covered in ketchup or chocolate. A life of Starbucks lattes, staying out late, and drinking wine and cocktails for dinner. It was a glorious unfulfilling life that I decided to replace with a husband and three gorgeous children. Now I still stay up all night, but because of little humans poking me to let me know they need water, had a nightmare, peed all over themselves, or just want to snuggle. But, I wouldn’t change it for the world…❤️